Obama: Kanye Is A "Jackass" on video now

During a CNBC interview on Monday, President Obama called Kanye West a "jackass" regarding his behavior at the MTV Video Music Awards. (Watch the video of Kanye interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the VMAs hereand read about his first apology.)

Obama's colorful remark was actually made in an off-the-record portion of the interview that was tweeted -- and then deleted -- by ABC News reporter Terry Moran.

Obama Kanye

cheronda guyton picture on video now

Various news sources are reporting that Wells Fargo & Co. Executive banker moved into a lavish $12 million Malibu beach home, shortly after it was foreclosed on.

The executive in question is reportedly Cheronda Guyton. Our team is looking every where for a Cheronda Guyton Picture. She has to have a myspace or facebook page out there somewhere. We noticed that she was on Linkedin.

Ms. Guyton who is a Los Angeles based Wells Fargo executive is responsible for the foreclosed commercial properties division.

It is said that the home’s previous owners were forced to hand the property back to the bank, after losing much of their wealth in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme.

Cheronda Guyton is accused of throwing galas and other extravagant parties in the house that the owners signed an agreement that required them to keep the house off the market for a while.


Oprah kicked off the 24th season of her show with an exclusive two part interview with Whitney Houston. The first part aired a little while ago in the States. Watch the full interview now…

It’s a very, very, very revealing interview. Oprah did an amazing job. Whitney was extremely candid – it’s amazing to hear what went on during her years with Bobby Brown, her addictions and how she reached rock bottom. The second part airs tomorrow.

Crop Circles 2009 on Google Earth video now


michelle wie blog on video now

Another year down, another agent leaves Team Wie.

Greg Nared who was hired last year by the William Morris Agency whom manages Wie, said he is resigning his position as VP of Golf and also Michelle Wie’s agent.� So what does this mean for Wie, why did he resign?

We’re not really sure and it doesn’t look like the agency is talking very much about the issue but we did find this quote from and AP article

“While we are sorry that Greg will no longer be handling the road management of Michelle, we wish to thank him for his work and wish him the best going forward,” Jesse Derris, a spokesman for the Wie family, said in a statement. “The core group of agents handling Michelle’s business relationships remains intact, as it has from day one of her professional career.”

I guess we’ll have to wait and see if this means Michelle Wie will get an agent that will focus on building both her game and her pocket book.